CLASS: Level 1 – Improv BasicsThe Adventure Project’s Improv Basics students
Wednesdays, January 17th – February 21st
6:30 – 9 p.m.
Limelight Theatre
11 Old Mission Ave, St Augustine
$125 through January 10th
$145 January 11th – 16th

Throughout this introduction class, students will explore the basic concepts of improvisation in a warm, safe and supportive environment. The class is designed to build self-confidence and explore creativity using the fundamentals of improvisation. Designed for both actors and non-actors, it will expose students to:

Being – and reacting — in the moment.
Accepting and building on gifts from other classmates.
Embracing – and using — failure.
Co-creating with others (listening, communicating, giving & taking focus).
Thriving in an unscripted environment.
Students leaving this course will have a working understanding of the basic fundamentals of improvisational theater as well as an increased appreciation, and comfort, with being on stage without a script.

CLASS: Level 2 Intensive – Advanced Improv Improv Level 2
Saturday & Sunday, January 13th – 14th
10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Limelight Theatre
11 Old Mission Ave, St Augustine
$125 through January 6th
$145 January 7th – 12th

Level 2 Improv expands on fundamentals learned in Level 1 Improv in the same warm, safe and supportive environment. Continue building self-confidence and exploring creativity while engaging in a higher level of the “yes, and…” concept. Play short form improv games while also learning the foundations for solid scene work in a co-creative space that highlights reacting in the moment, giving and taking focus, active listening and failing with grace in an unscripted environment – on stage and off. Class culminates in a student showcase.

CLASS: Level 3 – Characters, Emotions & Relationships – Oh My!
(Prerequisite: Levels 1 & 2)
Tuesdays, January 16th – February 20th
6:30 – 9 p.m.
Limelight Theatre
11 Old Mission Ave, St Augustine
$125 through January 9th
$145 January 10th – 15th

Level 3 Improv takes the “yes, and…” concept and directs it to building strong characters, connecting through authentic relationships and developing emotions that heighten scenes. Students will play short form improv games, continue developing scene work and begin sticking their toes into long form improv waters. Class culminates in a student showcase.

CLASS: Level 4 – Scenework Foundations
(Prerequisite: Levels 1, 2 & 3)
This level will be offered again soon.

After learning the improv language, how to create characters, and, how to build relationships with that language and those characters, what will students do next? Create great scenes of course! Students will lay a solid foundation for scenework by learning to initiate scenes with purpose, recognize games and patterns, and heighten the action. Class culminates in a student showcase.

CLASS: Level 5 – Lowdown on Long Form
(Prerequisite: Levels 1, 2, 3 & 4)Improv Basics 2
Class is in session.

Now that students know how to create solid scenes, it’s time to put those scenes together. Students will learn how to keep the momentum of solid scenework alive by practicing strong initiations, walk ons/offs, edits, callbacks and other tools to keep scenes and characters moving forward – based on only one suggestion. Class culminates in a graduation show.

The Adventure Project’s improv training center is comprised of five levels of improv instruction.

CLASS: Level 6 – Long Form Deep Dive
(Prerequisite: For graduates of The Adventure Project’s Improv Training Center only)
Mondays, January 15th – February 19th
6:30 – 9 p.m.
City Bistro
1280 N Ponce De Leon Blvd, St. Augustine, FL 32084
$125 through January 8th
$145 January 9th – 14th
Class show on Monday, February 26th at the Corazon Cinema & Cafe

Graduates of The Adventure Project’s improv training center will have the opportunity to explore a deeper dive into long form improv. Their show will feature the Armando form and feature a local St. Augustinian as their featured monologist.

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