Find and Water YOUR People – Daily

Find and Water YOUR People – Daily

Playing with my new laughter yoga friends at Jump! in Boise, Idaho This year I’ve been on a mission to find, and connect with, my people – both friends and connections from the past as well as new ones. This seek and find mission has led me to Salt Lake City, UT;...
Inviting Your Inner Magic to Play

Inviting Your Inner Magic to Play

Sometimes I refer to improv as an alternate reality. Where in our every day worlds can we mix it up with people who have our backs, people who put “we before me,” people who support us in moving forward – together? There’s one place I’ve experienced this...
Are You Missing Your Old Friends Too?

Are You Missing Your Old Friends Too?

“You don’t have to have anything in common with people you’ve known since you were five. With old friends, you’ve got your whole life in common.” – Lyle Lovett While I’ve made lots of friends and connections in St. Augustine, my oldest and...
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