Welcome to my 2018 Year-End Review

Welcome to my 2018 Year-End Review

As an event planner, I’ve always conducted “post mortems” on events to determine what worked, what didn’t and how the next event can be even better. Some of those same concepts can be applied to reviewing life in general – especially when we’re trying to live...
3 Terrifically Tiny Things for Traveling

3 Terrifically Tiny Things for Traveling

This summer I felt like I was on the road more than I was off. From the San Juan Islands in the Pacific Northwest to the heat of West Palm Beach, I was a one-woman zig zag act as I made my way to various beaches, cities and forests. And no matter how much I’ve...
Inviting Your Inner Magic to Play

Inviting Your Inner Magic to Play

Sometimes I refer to improv as an alternate reality. Where in our every day worlds can we mix it up with people who have our backs, people who put “we before me,” people who support us in moving forward – together? There’s one place I’ve experienced this...
Where Will You Find Your Adventure?

Where Will You Find Your Adventure?

The Adventure Project uses the hashtag #findyouradventure, which has a deeper, richer meaning than what may appear on the surface. “Finding your adventure” means discovering the lifestyle that suits you – not the one that society, or your family, or any other...
Are You Missing Your Old Friends Too?

Are You Missing Your Old Friends Too?

“You don’t have to have anything in common with people you’ve known since you were five. With old friends, you’ve got your whole life in common.” – Lyle Lovett While I’ve made lots of friends and connections in St. Augustine, my oldest and...
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